U.S. Federation for Middle East Peace (USFMEP)

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   Tel: +1 (973) 568-8384
   Fax: +1 (646) 688-5582
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USFMEP Side Panel: Violence against Women combating Sexual, Domestic, Physical and Psychological Violence towards Women, especially in Crises

On the 21st of March 2016, in conjunction with the permanent mission of the OIC to the United Nations, Communications and Technology club and the SKM foundation, President Sally Kader and the USFMEP hosted a panel to discuss the ways in which women could be empowered to speak out against the violence that often befall them, especially under crisis conditions considering the immigration and refugee crises that faced the world.

The USFMEP spoke to condone the empowerment of women in order to both improve refugee conditions and relations, as well as to give them a voice on the ground